
Welcome, October

J and I are big lovers of Fall, and I especially love October.  September holds the promise of Autumn after the heat of summer while by November, the leaves have yellowed and browned, and our thoughts are turning to the holidays.  October holds the promise of changing leaves, cooler temperatures and Halloween, one of my very favorite holidays.

October is perfect. Here are a few of our favorite things:

Potent Potables.

Pumpkin Beer!

Red, red wine. Can't go wrong with Bordeaux & Cote du Rhone.

Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere.

Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

A new book about Fall

Leaves collected during a walk outside.

Changing colors already

Cookies baked and decorated (though maybe not Food Network quality).

Sugar cookies decorated by Daniel

Sweet Boy and a cookie he decorated.

Welcome, October.  We can’t wait to enjoy you more.

What do you love about October?